Category: Health

Why Do Women Face Higher Rates of Anxiety and Depression

Mithilesh- June 10, 2024

Today, we shine a spotlight on women's health, transcending traditional boundaries to encompass the entirety of a woman's life journey. No longer confined to maternal ... Read More

Why Blueberries Are a Heart-Healthy Superfood

Mithilesh- May 28, 2024

Blueberries are small, vibrant blue berries known for their sweet-tart flavor and impressive health benefits. These nutrient-dense fruits are especially good for your heart. Packed ... Read More

Scorching Temperatures in Delhi: Coping with the Intense Heatwave

Mithilesh- May 20, 2024

Northern India, including the bustling capital Delhi, is currently in the grips of an intense heatwave, with temperatures soaring above 45°C during the weekend. On ... Read More

Debunking Sunscreen Myths: The Truth About Vitamin D Production

Mithilesh- May 17, 2024

It’s a topic that’s sparking debate once again on social media: sunscreen. The recent buzz began with concerns raised by Tim Spector, a professor at ... Read More

Leveraging Pig Organs in Xenotransplantation to Advance Medical Science and Treat Patients

Mithilesh- May 13, 2024

The recent passing of Richard Slayman, the first human recipient of a modified pig kidney transplant, has brought xenotransplantation into the spotlight. This groundbreaking medical ... Read More

Hidden Dangers of Ultra-Processed Foods: How They Impact Lifespan

Mithilesh- May 9, 2024

The latest research published in The BMJ warns about the dangers of consuming ultra-processed foods and their impact on lifespan and health. If you're someone ... Read More

Weight Loss Made Simple: 10 Easy Hacks

Mithilesh- May 8, 2024

Losing weight can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. To shed those extra pounds and keep them off, it’s all about finding ... Read More